Monday, June 8, 2009


Director: Lekan Asikia
Writer: Lekan Asikia
Producer: LADTEM Films
Release Date: 2004
Genre: Satire
Plot: a hunter by the name Jesulagba (Segun-Kolade Okeowo) finds an abandoned baby in the forest. He takes the baby to the village head who tells him to care for the child. Though a widower, Jesulagba takes up the challenge and teaches the child in the way of the Lord. The child grows up loving the Lord and frequently spends his time preaching and praying. Twenty-five years later, the child, now Pastor Ayomide Adebola (Rotimi Amodu), is seen preaching in his church. He has become a great and dynamic minister whose church building cannot even contain the entire congregation. Pastor Adebola, however, does not have a happy home. Though he has a loving and dedicated wife, he is insensitive and uncaring. Meanwhile, a young man by the name Chris is seen with his gang mates deciding on their next robbery target. Pastor Adebola is selected and Chris is assigned to do the penetration since he has Christian background. He seeks employment with Pastor Adebola as a driver, and the pastor accepts him in spite of warnings from both his wife and Baba Jesulagba. Baba advises him on several issues; he should always be accompanied by his wife to functions, he should set up a church council to manage the affairs of the church, and he should preach to his driver. Well, pastor listen to all, but adopted none.

Mrs. Adebola (Busayo Asikia), the pastor’s wife, and Gbolu, his son, discuss the bible with Chris during his spare time, and this makes it difficult for him to strike as planned. On the final day scheduled for the robbery, Gbolu preached to Chris and he gave his life to Christ. As a result of this, he denounced his membership of the gang and moved permanently into the pastor’ house.

Pastor Adebola goes for a personal retreat but mistakenly leaves his mobile phone behind. His wife sends Chris to take it to him at his hotel room. When Chris discovers that the pastor is having an affair, he becomes discouraged and abandons the Christian faith to return to his gang. That same night, Pastor Adebola reconsiders his ways. Chris on the other hand joins his gang for an operation and loses his life in the process. The pastor confesses to Baba Jesulagba and his family, and baba instructs him to make a public confession, which he did. This leads to members leaving his church. Finally, Pastor Adebola is arrested for the death of the lady he had the affair with, who died as a result of an abortion.

Theme: It is not the appearance that matters, but the life of Christ in a man. Matt 23:28 “Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity”

Main Casts: Rotimi Amodu, Busayo Asikia, Segun-Kolade Okeowo and Lekan Asikia

Country: Nigeria

Language: English

Quotes: the quote I find particularly significant in this movie is an excerpt from the scene where Pastor Adebola confessed to Baba Jesulagba.

Jesulagba: you are full of the styles of Christ, but the life of Christ is not embedded in you…

Pastor Ayomide Adebola: I am finished baba.

Jesulagba: it is better to be finished for Christ to begin afresh in you.


Shots: Most of the major shots were used in this movie. Nevertheless, there seems to be a preference for medium shots, because they were used more than the others. I also noticed the use of extreme close-up shot (EX CU) at the scene where Pastor Adebola received a call about the death of Tope, his mistress. There was an EX CU of the mouth of the caller so that we couldn’t identify him. My guess is that this was done so as to deemphasize the individual. This means that the focus was on the message and not on the messenger.

Angle: Medium angle was dominant in the movie though other angles were also used. For instance, low angle was used in the scene where Pastor Adebola was ministering at his church. The camera was positioned in such a way that we were looking up at the pastor. This effect is usually used to create a feeling of superiority. The pastor has a great ministry and is respected by everybody; hence, they look up to him while he is placed above them. High angle was used in the scene immediately after the church scene when pastor and his family drove into their compound. At that point, it seemed as though we were watching the scene from above. Though the angle was not sustained for long, it almost created a sense of detachment from the action below.

Transition: sharp zoom-in and out were used for flash back when Ifalogbon was thinking about his predicaments. Dissolve was used in the scene where Ifalogbon and Odeloba were fighting. The scene dissolved into the next one where Ifalogbon was asking Jesulagba for his secret. This transition was used to show the passage of time. Dissolve was also used in the church scene. The interior of the church during the sermon was dissolved to the exterior of the church after the service. Again, this was used to show the passage of time. It saved us the trouble of watching the entire service.

Camera Movement: Dolly-in was used in the church scene where Pastor Adebola was preaching. This effect is usually used to create a sense of intimacy. It allows the audience to enter into a viewing space which was initially viewed from a distance. It created the effect of us walking through the church and observing the happenings. Pan was also frequently used in that same scene to observe the audience. Pan left is often used for discovery, and considering that we saw the pastor before we saw the audience, we can say that the left pan served its purpose. Hand held camera movement was used in the scene where police pursued Chris and his gang. This effect helps to create a troubled feeling that unsettles the audience. The camera moved roughly to signify movements of people running.

Camera Speed: Medium camera speed was maintained throughout the movie

Costume: Day-to-day costume was used mainly in this movie, though one can categorize the outfits of the hunters as special costumes.

Makeup: Majority of the characters in Not Style but Life had straight makeup on. However, mama (Chris’ mother) wore a character makeup and so did Jesulagba. The makeup transformed the actors into old characters.

Reflections: Anointing is not a substitute for character. The power of God upon the life of a man is for service. Pastor Adebola was much anointed, but he could not manage his family. He also lacked self-control. From his resistance to setting up a church council, and the affair he had with the church choir leader, it is my opinion that he seems quite comfortable with vices.

There is nothing hidden that will not be exposed. It doesn’t matter how well we try to hide the sins in our lives, they will definitely come out. Sin is like a cub (young lion), beautiful while young and deadly when old.

As Christians, our lives affect the people around us. We are the bible that people read. Chris and the choir leader lost their lives because of the pastor’s carelessness.

Finale: the movie ended with Pastor Adebola’s arrest. True, he repented and confessed publicly, but the consequences of his sins didn’t just disappear. The bible says in Gal 6:7, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."

Thanks for staying around. It has been another great time with you. Be on the lookout for the next one. Please post your comments so that I can know what you think about this write up. You can also recommend any Christian movie you want us to put on our micro film. God bless you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the movie is more of a moral way of life which is very useful to our todays society.